
October 31, 2012 at 12:32 pm (Uncategorized)

Happy Halloween, world.

I do really love Halloween. Especially on days like this, where the weather is absolutely gorgeous–it’s a crisp fall day and my favorite season is out in full force. I especially appreciate it since it looked like we were just going to head straight on to winter. That would have sucked.

Things are pretty stressful now with the election just a few days away. I’ve been working a bunch trying to get my people elected, and now we’re kind of at the point where all you can do is get people out to vote and hope for the best. We’ve designed and bought the ads, we’re playing on the radio, we have one last mailing to send out, I’ve knocked on a bunch of doors and called a ton of people (and will probably be calling more on Tuesday), and now it becomes a hurry up and wait sort of situation. It has gotten kind of hard to sleep at night, I just lie there and think about what I could be doing differently. I don’t have any good answers–I feel good about our plan–but on some level you know that everything is more or less out of your control.

I feel like that about a lot of things in my life right now–after the election I’ll be heading back to Camas, and hopefully find a solid job there (if not, find it someplace else), and work for a few years before heading to grad school, then maybe a few (or more than a few) more years of work or not before I get my PhD and try to do the professor thing. Things are under my control but also not. So I control what I can, do my best in campaigning, micromanage my fantasy football team (tied for 1st place, boom), and try to just breathe.

I feel like a kid, I feel like an adult, I feel lost, I feel like I’m right where I should be. I think that’s more or less normal for right now. From what people tell me, that’s normal for pretty much always.


Anyway, I’m terrible at writing but with some free time at the election maybe I’ll do it more with that free time.


Don’t forget to vote!

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